5 or 8 Day Silent Directed Ignatian Retreats
Jumpstart: Discerning your Mission in Life
Healing Prayer Retreats
Life in the Spirit
Covenant School of Spiritual Direction
The Spiritual Center is available for parishes, deaneries, recovery groups, and other ministries and service organizations to host day-long or overnight events. Please contact the Sioux Spiritual Center to arrange a date at least 6 weeks in advance.
We require a minimum of 12 people, (or payment for 12) to prevent cancellation.
For nearly 500 years, the Spiritual Exercisis of St Ignatius of Loyola have been changing lives. Here at the SSC, we offer opportunities to make the spiritual exercises every summer. This is a silent retreat in which you meet with a spiritual director daily, and spend several hours each day praying with various "exercises" as assigned by your director. It is a wonderful way to deepen your prayer life and your intimacy with the Lord. These retreats are generally 8 days in length.
It is possible to make a retreat like this at other times of year as well, depending on what else is going on at the center.
Poustinia Days: The Russian word poustinia means “desert,” and refers to a simple room where one goes alone to fast, pray, and commune with God. It was popularized by Servant of God Catherine De Hueck Doherty, founder of Madonna House. The poustinia is especially recommendable for those on the front lines of ministry, and worth considering on a monthly basis. Spiritual direction is available if desired. Contact the center to schedule a day, or a few days alone with the Lord!
Basic Directions is a 7-day institute for personnel who are beginning or wanting to learn about Native ministry. It is currently going through an overhaul. Stay tuned for details!
February 7-9: 12 Step Recovery Retreat
February 23-25: Junior Clergy Days
March 7-9: Inner Healing Prayer Retreat with Dr Clare Ten Eyck
March 23-26: CSSD Midwinter Retreat: Whole and Holy SexualityApril 3-6: All My Relatives--Native Grieving Retreat
April 25-27: Private Retreat
May 9-11: 12 Step Recovery RetreatMay 16-18: Lay Ministry Retreat
May 23-26: Lemmon Confirmation Retreat TBCJuly 6-14: Silent Directed 8-day Ignatian Retreat I (10 spaces)
July 20-28:Silent Directed 8-day Ignatian Retreat II (10 spaces)
The Sioux Spiritual Center relies on your donations to keep this ministry open. Thank you for your support!
You may also send your payment via regular mail to:
Please let us know if this poses any difficulty for you, and we will try to help.