Starting in the fall of 2021, the Diocese of Rapid City began offering a certification course in spiritual direction at the Sioux Spiritual Center called the Covenant School of Spiritual Direction. The course consists of three two-week sessions over the course of 26 months. One of the sessions is devoted to Prayer, another to Virtue, and another to Healing. This school is being conducted in collaboration with the leadership of the Alleluia School of Spiritual Direction in Augusta, Georgia. The program is eligible for 9 credits of continuing pastoral education credit through the University of Mary, culminating in a Certification in Spiritual Direction.
The students must complete three two-week sessions and make a directed silent Ignatian retreat of 8 days. Students also complete a practicum in which they guide a person through 16 weeks of prayer toward a deeper relationship with Jesus.
The Covenant School of Spiritual Direction is designed to form men and women who can offer spiritual accompaniment to others on their journey to holiness. It provides instruction and skills development in the practical elements of spiritual direction, and fosters attentiveness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Students will be exposed to various streams of Catholic Spirituality, particularly from Ignatian and Carmelite sources. In the course of their formation, students will experience God's transformative power as they pray with Scripture and the writings of the saints, and share their experiences, insights and graces. As their intimacy with God grows through these prayer experiences, students become more spiritually sensitive listeners.
Our program focuses on the transformation of the student more than the transfer of information. There are no papers or exams. The cost of the course is now $1600 per session, and covers tuition, room and board, and books. Rooms are double occupancy.
The next session is scheduled for September 15-28, 2024.
Please note, at this time we have filled all the available spaces, and are on a waiting list. Please let us know if you are interested in attending, and we will add you to the waiting list and keep you informed.
For more information, download our 2024 Covenant School of Spiritual Direction Brochure.
To make an inquiry, or to apply for admission go HERE.